Difference Between Markets For Fruit & Veg and Markets for Selling Ideas

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Now there are markets and there are markets.  The one I think of first and foremost is the money market as it directly involves every aspect of my life and I daresay absolutely eeryone else’s.  There those markets that involve hundeds of stalls of fruit and vegetables, all so magnificently stacked on tressle tables covered in that strange bright green plastic grass look alike.   Then there are the clothing stalls with hundreds of ex army coats, some with odd items of militaria added and of course the helmets and hats to with go with them.   Then there is the stall with the WI manned by the Women’s Institute at the helm;  at this stall you can find a selection of the most recently voted resolutions to the government of the day and also lots of activity advice booklets on how to create knittted, chrochet and any manner of mediums.  You may also find a stall load of lovely WI Cakes

The other kind of market is the one where you generate interest in your products you have to sell.  Hopefuly enough folk do buy your products and this kind of marketing requires production of web sites, online social media accounts with all the leading ones.  Sports revenue advertising is  always one very huge income stream for some businesses.  Take a football club, the advertising posters surrounding the venue will generate millions of likes and not so many boohs!

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